But what exactly is a "packet"?
Basically, a packet is a bit of information, formatted to move around its specific network. It usually consists of two parts; a payload and formatting/addressing information. The payload can be anything that can be digitised.
For those of us coming from the Audio side of things, we're already used to the thought of packeting information. Think about a Digital audio stream. We find out the amplitude of the analogue audio signal and convert it to 1's and 0's. But before we send it around our mixer, CD player or whatever, we also put a few extra bits of information into it; how many samples per second, if it is a stereo or a mono channel, etc.
The are common examples in Lighting as well. A DMX signal, when looked at obliquely, is a packet. It has a payload (a value) and addressing information (a DMX channel).
However, the most common packet, the one that causes the most joy and woe in the world, is the Internet Protocol (IP) packet.
Below is a pictorial description of the IP packet. Instead of trying to bore you with details, I thought this would be an easy way to show what I mean.
By Nicolargo (Own work) [GFDL (www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons |
I can hear your brain cogs turning trying to understand what it is that you are looking at.
Let's start at the bottom. The black section that trails off toward the bottom of the page is the data that we are trying to transmit. This can be anything digital; a photo, some audio, a DMX channel change, a webpage... so long as you can turn something into 1's and 0's, you can transmit it over an IP network.
I think I should say that again; anything that can be digitised can be sent over an IP network.
That is why these networks are so powerful; any data, no matter what it is, can be sent over these networks. The amount of data contained in a packet has no real limitation. If you have a large bit of data, you can break it down into a number of packets, send it through the network, and reassemble it at the other end.
As we move from the bottom to the top, we see some things that should appear obvious; Options, Source and Destination address. Normally, a device that receives a packet will read this information and decide what it has to do with it.
I will be going into the way the internet works in future articles, but for the time being please think of a mail sorter in a post office. He looks at each letter and then sends it off to the next closest post office.
That's how addressing works; network equipment will look at the addresses and then decide what to do with it.
Next up the line is a bunch of information that doesn't really matter to us... yet. There are basic housekeeping flags, like the total length of the packet, the time that the packet should be kept around (time to live) and some checksums.
The reason that a lot of Performance Networking protocols (like Cobranet) don't work well on combined networks is because they don't have all of this "extra" information. They have the Source and Destination addresses, but they don't bother with the rest of the data.
In the "olden days" of networking , you could get away with this. Networks were kept separate, and in many cases all of the data was transmitted to every machine on the network.
However, as time has gone on and the Networking world has taken leaps and bounds ahead of the performing arts (private money helps...) they have added a lot of smarts to their technology. That is why we need those extra checksums, version and protocol type flags.
As mentioned above, the next few posts will be looking at the way packets move through the Internet, but please, if you have any questions, just email me and ask.
N.B. As mentioned in the comments below, a "Packet" is technically only the information that is shipped around at Layer 3, the "Transport Layer". This is why technologies such as CobraNet are not strictly IP-based, and also why they do not work on enterprise-type networks. However, this is a little beyond the scope of this Blog, which hopes to examine Networking in Theatres/Broadcasting, as well as the Theatre/Broadcasting aspects that are relevant to a Networking technician working in those areas. Please forgive any shortcuts that I may be taking in order to clarify a point.